Beta Blockers for Hypertension – The Controversy

Therapy using beta blockers has been applied to treat cardiovascular disease.  There are various studies regarding the use of beta blockers.

Even though these medications are popular, including beta blockers for anxiety, there is a controversy about its safety. In treating hypertension or high blood pressure, some doubt the effectiveness of beta blockers.

According to a study, the placebo effect of beta blockers is not as good as other anti hypertension drugs. 

However, the study only used one kind of beta blockers which is atenolol, while there are various other drugs are in the beta blockers category.

Atenolol is a short-acting beta blocker, so it doesn’t last for 24 hours. So when there is an increase in blood pressure when cardiovascular complication happens, the body will not be protected by atenolol

If you have type 1 diabetes, you need to be careful of the drugs because of the hypoglycemic symptoms that may arise. If you are dependent on insulin, selective beta-blockers should be used.  Also, there is a contraindication for those with asthma, hypotension, and chronic heart failure.

Natural beta blockers are also used, for example valerian root and melatonin supplement that can reduce anxiety (except for generalized anxiety disorder) or insomnia.

Beta blockers should be used with a prescription.

First post in 2013 :-)

Special thanks to

Insomnia - You Don't Have To Deal with It Forever


Quality sleep is needed in order to rest the body and mind so that after waking up, you are able to feel recharged and fresh. Insomnia is a sleep problem when you constantly don’t have proper sleep. It can occur in many ways:
  • Difficulty in falling asleep 
  • Waking up very early in the morning
  • Disturbed sleep leaving one with a feeling of tiredness/fatigue
  • Constantly waking up several times in the middle of the night and not being able to sleep again easily

Insomnia can be a primary problem in itself or it may be caused by tension, depression, asthma, pain, medicines etc. Addictions like smoking, drinking and drugs can also cause insomnia.


Insomnia can be acute and temporary when one is not able to sleep properly due to external reasons like noise, light, travel, problems in personal life or at work etc. This is less serious and may last a few days.

However chronic insomnia results in loss of sleep on at least half the days. This is caused by diseases, stress, depression, chronic pain, unhappy situation in life etc.

Photo by Trinity on Flickr

Lack of proper sleep is very harmful to physical and mental health. It reduces the capacity to work. One feels lazy and drowsy all the day. It can also cause headache and loss of memory. Sometimes one becomes moody. Immune system weakens. One becomes more prone to viral infections. There is danger while driving, crossing roads, near a machine etc.


Generally medicines (pills) are prescribed for the treatment of insomnia. These have serious side effects and their effectiveness reduces with time. Pills must be used with great precaution and should be discontinued as soon as possible. If you really want to end your insomnia once and for all...and I mean "for good," find out by heading over to this “ways to cure insomnia” web log.

Excessive Sweating: The Symptoms and Treatment

People with excessive sweating often have difficulties in doing their daily activities. This is sometimes triggered by stress, emotion or exercise, but can also occur spontaneously.

In palmar hyperhidrosis, patients have moist and wet hands. This poses a social problem because every time they shake hands, it will also cause the opponent's hands to get wet.

In axillary hyperhidrosis, many people have excess sweat on the armpits and they should change their clothes more frequently.

In plantar hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating on the feet can cause socks and shoes to become damp and odors arise (bromhidrosis), due to the presence of bacteria or fungi on the wet skin.

Parts of the body that sweat excessively are often pink or bluish white in color, and in more severe cases the skin may crack and be scaly, especially on the feet.


Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination. You can take a test to determine the presence of abnormal thyroid glands function or to determine levels of blood sugar by doing a blood test.


Excessive sweating remedy for too much sweating on the palms of the hands, feet or underarms can be reduced with a solution of aluminum chloride. At night before bed, the affected areas should be dried first and then smeared with a solution of aluminum chloride and covered with thin plastic. The next day the plastic is removed and the affected area is washed.

The-counter antiperspirants can also reduce excessive sweating. Antiperspirants work by inhibiting perspiration channel with aluminum salts so that the sweat that reaches the surface of the skin can be reduced.

For more severe cases, you can try the following treatments:

1. Iontoforesis.

it is performed by electric current stimulation on the affected area. This way, the disabled and the formation of sweat glands
will be reduced.

2. Injections of Botox (Botulinum toxin).

This toxin affects the nerve endings and cause a reduction in the delivery of a wave of nerves to the sweat glands thereby reducing the formation of sweat. Usually, the injection should be done several times and the effectiveness is valid for 1-6 months.

3. Surgery.


Beat Depression Caused by Divorce Before It Ruins Your Life

In essence, a divorce is caused by the presence of treachery. Betrayal is the most common main cause of a divorce or breakup, although there are other things that may come up. Betrayal is killing the love that exists between husband and wife.

Betrayal happens when there is a presence of someone other than the husband and wife. However, sometimes people do not feel depressed after a divorce or berakup. Divorce is a form of God's love in other ways. It could be that you constantly feel inwardly tormented if the relationship is kept. Many people feel happier after a divorce occurred.

For people who are smart, there is no depression after a divorce. There is no need to find ways on healing from a breakup. People who feel depressed after a divorce is that divorce is a doomsday regard for life and living. Similarly, for an ex-husband, there is no such thing as depression after a divorce. Do not feel depressed after a divorce. Think of divorce as a life experience that will give you lots of valuable lessons.

For those of you who feel depressed after a divorce, a lot of things you can do as a step and how to overcome depression after a divorce or breakup.

First, do fun activities like relive your hobby as a teenager. Or you can also play your favorite songs.

Second, take a walk to the beach or mountains so you can see the greatness of God.

Third, try share your story with your close friends or family members, but do not complain. Good luck.

Once Again About Treating Symptoms..

This is out of topic. I'm not talking about health, but financial. But it's still related to the previous post.

I wrote that we should not treat the symptoms of a disease, but we should find the root cause of it. Same thing with money.

Most people just complain that they don't have enough money. They complain that the lack of money is the cause of the problems they face.

The truth is, the lack of money is just the symptom. To be able to solve the problem, we need to treat the root cause, remember? Just like I've mentioned in my blogs, one of them is diet for kidney disease, as well as this post. Taking drugs to treat a disease is a short-term solution.

Just like the lack of money. Having more money will be the same as taking drugs. Why? it is because people will just spend the money today and will still be broke tomorrow. Those taking drugs, let's say to heal heart disease, will still have heart disease.

The root cause that should be addressed is this: mindset.

Yes, mindset. It's your mindset towards money. Do you think that money is the root of all evil? Do you think that rich people are jerks?

That's the thing that will be a long-term solution.

Diabetes Miracle Breakthrough?

OK, so from now on I'm not going to post articles just on how to stop snoring.

To begin with, I'm going to write about "Diabetes Miracle Breakthrough" e-book from Mark Anastasi.

If you've come across the product and thinking of buying it, you should read this article first to consider whether you should purchase it or not.

So, here are the facts about Diabetes Miracle Breakthrough:

First of all, I'm going to tell you something about the "author", Mark Anastasi. If you have read the sales page, you know that he doesn't have a medical background, and he never has diabetes. He is not lying and trying to hide his identity, because he clearly states so.

Second of all, the e-book about "Diabetes Miracle Breakthrough" is not just for diabetes only. It is meant for all diseases, including parkinson and cancer. Mark only changes the name of the health condition (and probably some parts of the e-book about the condition). This is not necessarily a way to fool people. I think it's just a way on targeting the right people, because it's difficult to sell something on how to cure "all" diseases. To be honest, I'm OK with that.

Third of all, the e-book is ghostwritten. Mark did not write it by himself, I found it out at least from the properties of the PDF. The title of the document is in fact "A Letter to Diabetics Everywhere", and the author is "Mudrika Bhudia". Again, I'm not against this. You can ghostwrite a book and sell it.

Fourth of all, the PDF / e-book is 84 pages. That's also not a problem, as long as the content is of high quality.

What are his solutions on how to cure diabetes in the book?

Basically, he tells you to: nurture your body's cells, get sufficient water, oxygen, and nutrients, have a positive attitude, get rid of junk in your life, maintain pH balance, and cleanse the inner terrain.

So, that's all I can say about Diabetes Miracle Breakthrough.

If you ask me whether to buy it or not, honestly I recommend that you check out "Death to Diabetes" by D. McCulley instead. Why? Because it is written by an ex-diabetic engineer who knows what he's talking about. He also has diabetes education classes, provides health coaching, and a set of wellness guides.

You can learn more on the 10 steps he used to reverse diabetes naturally - and how you can too - at Diabetes Natural Cure.

Can Snoring Let You Miss Out on 730 Hours of Sleep?

The answer is yes.

A recent study discovered that "The average married adult loses out on around 730 hours of sleep every year" (source:

They would risk their health because they don't want their sex life to go downhill.

Well, in the previous post it has been revealed that being sleep deprived is as hazardous as being drunk. So, you decide.


Find out how to stop snoring naturally at