Insomnia - You Don't Have To Deal with It Forever


Quality sleep is needed in order to rest the body and mind so that after waking up, you are able to feel recharged and fresh. Insomnia is a sleep problem when you constantly don’t have proper sleep. It can occur in many ways:
  • Difficulty in falling asleep 
  • Waking up very early in the morning
  • Disturbed sleep leaving one with a feeling of tiredness/fatigue
  • Constantly waking up several times in the middle of the night and not being able to sleep again easily

Insomnia can be a primary problem in itself or it may be caused by tension, depression, asthma, pain, medicines etc. Addictions like smoking, drinking and drugs can also cause insomnia.


Insomnia can be acute and temporary when one is not able to sleep properly due to external reasons like noise, light, travel, problems in personal life or at work etc. This is less serious and may last a few days.

However chronic insomnia results in loss of sleep on at least half the days. This is caused by diseases, stress, depression, chronic pain, unhappy situation in life etc.

Photo by Trinity on Flickr

Lack of proper sleep is very harmful to physical and mental health. It reduces the capacity to work. One feels lazy and drowsy all the day. It can also cause headache and loss of memory. Sometimes one becomes moody. Immune system weakens. One becomes more prone to viral infections. There is danger while driving, crossing roads, near a machine etc.


Generally medicines (pills) are prescribed for the treatment of insomnia. These have serious side effects and their effectiveness reduces with time. Pills must be used with great precaution and should be discontinued as soon as possible. If you really want to end your insomnia once and for all...and I mean "for good," find out by heading over to this “ways to cure insomnia” web log.