CPAP Mask Can Change Face

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) mask - used to treat sleep apnea - users may find their faces change over time. As what has been mentioned by Business Week, study found prolonged use led to slight shifts in jaw and position of teeth. The study itself was conducted by Hiroko Tsuda, an assistant professor in the general oral clinic at Kyushu University Hospital in Japan

Furthermore, Business Week added that...

...though often very effective, this technique for dealing with the most common form of sleep apnea is, however, already known to prompt side effects ranging from skin abrasions and a stuffy nose to dry mouth and abdominal bloating (from excess swallowing of air).

Should you stop using CPAP?

I don't think so. Tsuda added that...

"I think CPAP users should [have] this information [about] possible side effects," Tsuda said.


If you have sleep apnea, you should consult a medical professional as soon as possible. If you are a snorer and you want to cure it, you can practice stop snoring exercise program at how to stop snoring.