Different Types Stop Snoring Surgery

If you are desperate after trying various ways to stop snoring, probably you want to undertake surgeries. But remember, you should consider this as your last option after you try natural cures for snoring!

There are actually a variety of surgical procedures to fix the sleeping problem, but not all may be used in all cases.

Before you undertake surgeries, occasionally comprehensive evaluation of your physical and physiological factors must be rendered before an otolaryngologist (specialists on problems related with the throat, mouth and nose) would come up with the most effective measures.

One more recognized treatment to help stop snoring is the Tongue Suspension Procedure or Repose. This treatment works by inserting a small screw under the tongue into the jaw so the tongue will be prevented from falling back during sleep.

However, although many report of that this is effective, you should remember that this will be permanent option so you need to think carefully before you choose this method.

If the cause of your snoring is the nose, you may want to take nasal surgeries. This doesn't only help you during your sleep but can also add comfort in breathing during the day.

There is also another method to cure snoring called LAUP (Laser-Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty). In LAUP, your uvula will be cut. Therefore, this method suits you if the cause of your snoring is the uvula.

Radio Frequency Tissue Ablation or Samnoplasty is also one method to remove parts of your uvula.

As I've said before, surgery as treatment for snoring must be taken as the last resort when everything else you've tried failed. Before diving into an option, be sure that you are completely evaluated of the actual causes of your condition. Ensure yourself also that you have the best doctor in your spectrum of choices.

If you want to know how to stop snoring without surgery, please visit how to stop snoring.

image: http://www.holzer.org