When you have sleep deprivations either because of your own insomnia, snoring, or your partner's snoring, then you are drunk.
What I mean by that is, being sleep deprived has the same hazardous effect as being drunk. Where did I get that data?
From a study by the British journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Here's the quote from CNN:
What I mean by that is, being sleep deprived has the same hazardous effect as being drunk. Where did I get that data?
From a study by the British journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Here's the quote from CNN:
...sleep deprivation can have some of the same hazardous effects as being drunk.Getting less than 6 hours a night can affect coordination, reaction time and judgment, they said, posing "a very serious risk."
Source: http://articles.cnn.com/2000-09-20/health/sleep.deprivation_1_sleep-deprivation-impairment-researchers?_s=PM:HEALTH